TDR Capital releases its 2020/21 ESG and Sustainability Report

08 Dec 2021

As a long term investor we have always understood that creating the conditions for sustainable growth is fundamental to improving our portfolio companies and delivering returns to our investors. This requires a deep understanding and involvement in our businesses and is facilitated, in our case, by an approach to investing which has always been predicated on substantial engagement with a focused portfolio of companies.

In the last 18 months, the pandemic has shone an even stronger light on the need for a responsible approach to investing. Our priority has been to work with our portfolio companies to protect the health and promote the well-being of employees, many of whom continued to work in challenging circumstances. We have also prioritised working with the portfolio to improve analysis of climate change impact and promote initiatives to ultimately move to a net zero economy.

We hope you enjoy reading our 2020/2021 ESG & Sustainability report.

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